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Assessment Services

When it comes to reviews, case management and discharge to assess, our dedicated bespoke teams work collaboratively with clients, developing work streams that support the achievement of targets and strategic objectives.

Regardless of whether we are carrying out assessments on patients, or are engaged to train CCG staff to do so independently, the goal is to create capacity, thus allowing CCGs to deploy their resources more effectively.

Sometimes we are engaged at the point at which capacity has been reached, in which case, we work quickly to assess the scope of work and move through delivery in the most time and cost efficient way, bringing the achievement of targets back on track.

At other times, clients identify knowledge and skills gaps, and engage us to ‘bridge the gap,’ often commissioning us to deliver training solutions at the same time. Other clients recognise the value our teams bring, both in terms of experience and cost efficiency, and choose to pull us into the process at the earliest opportunity.

Put simply, our flexible approach allows us to undertake routine reviews as part of a planned approach, or as part of an ‘overflow’ option when capacity becomes an issue.

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