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PUPoC Services

Offering completely tailored and flexible solutions to of CCG clients, LKS provide three options of support. All three options ensure efficiency and cost savings, as well as the achievement of targets.


Clients benefit from a dedicated bespoke team that has been specifically developed for their expertise and dedication to drive the PUPoC process, providing regular updates with a KPI frame work. Outsourcing covers everything from records collation and NPD; to checklist and DST generation, along with identifying previously assessed periods of care and previous assessments. Our end to end approach allows clients to focus wholly on other priorities


Clients who wish to retain the management of the PUPoC process internally but do not have the capacity to deliver on all elements, can opt for our coalition support package.

One option involves the CCG obtaining the records and establish legal entitlement for LKS to undertaken NPD, Checklists and DSTs before returning completed cases to the CCG who then pick up the process with family contact and panel hearings


Clients that need support and guidance but with a lighter touch, often opt for our Project Management package. Utilising in depth knowledge of NHS England reporting requirements our dedicated bespoke teams work with CCG’s to develop and implement robust processes and reporting structures. We also troubleshoot and manage in house teams through the process, offering the support, training and guidance that allows them to operate independently once our tenure is complete.

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